You have probably discovered that there is likely not a Sabbath-keeping church that worships the One True God and His only begotten Son (i.e. non-trinitarian) in your area. If there is a Seventh day home church in your area, we will help you to find it. If there is not a Seventh day home church in your area, we will help you to establish one.
You may be thinking that you are not qualified to lead a home church. The truth is that all you need is to have a love for God and the Bible, and a love for your neighbor. If you desire to worship God in spirit and in truth and to fellowship with like-minded believers, then you are almost ready. All you need is to have one or more adults (three is ideal) who are willing to help establish a home church.
But doesn’t it take a lot of time to prepare a lesson or sermon for a home church? No it doesn’t! Here is a link to an article entitled “How Do You Conduct a Home Church?”: We will provide a study lesson for you to use at your home church service and it is designed to encourage everybody to participate. There are other options such as connecting to a live church service on-line or watching a recording of a church service or a Bible lesson.
You may be thinking that it would be hard to find other adults to form a Seventh Day home church. That is where we can help, by posting a map with a way for you and others looking for a home church to discover each other. You may be surprised to find that there is a steady trickle of people leaving the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) who have discovered the truth about the Godhead. This is a truth that the pioneers who formed the SDA church once embraced, but a truth that the modern day corporate SDA church has rejected. There are other people just like you who are looking for a place to fellowship together and worship.
Please go to the following website for more information: